Sunday, September 03, 2006

A Little Elbow Grease and Alotta Love

Whew! Who woulda thunk making 3 chinese dishes for dinner would take so long. When you factor in continuous dish washing, small kitchen space, and recipes I'm not very familiar with...yeah, you get the picture.

Anyway, For Binh's bday, I made him some of his favorite dishes: Shrimp, Soy Sauce Chicken, and Steamed Gai Lan (chinese broccoli). I also made a blueberry pie, using a shortcut recipe from Chatelaine.

* Sorry for the blurry pics; lighting was poor.*

Steamed Shrimp with Garlic

Soy Sauce Chicken. Made with a whole free range chicken.

Steamed Gai Lan with Garlic and Oyster Sauce

Blueberry Pie with Shortbread Piecrust, and Ice Cream

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